Stop other mods from cancelling terminal clicks.This shows different phases such as Malevolent Hitshield and Yang Glyph Broken Heart Radiation Hider for Others' Bosses.Requires your Soulflow talisman to be in your inventory Show Slayer RNG Progress as the Boss Bar.Show Price of Items in the Experimentation Table.Prevent Placing Spirit Sceptre and Flower of Truth.Show Enchanted Book, Potion, Minion Tiers, and Dungeon Stars.Disable Pickaxe Ability on Private Island.Show Ghosts in the Mist (Also their health).Spirit Leap Highlights for Names and Classes.Better Sadan Interest Timer (Terracotta Phase).Bigger Bat Rendering and Bat Hitbox Display.Stop Dropping, Salvaging, and Selling Starred Dungeon Items.Trivia Solver (updated with the latest answers).Blaze Solver Which Replaces The Skin Textures.Show Hidden Fels, Shadow Assassins, and blood room mobs.The text used to display skyblock information.ĭoesn't show up when using anything that removes text. The text for item name that shows up when you swap items Sea Creature and Fishing Treasure messages.Wither and Undead Essence unlock messages.Reparty Command Which Yields to Other Mods If you have a GitHub account, PLEASE CONSIDER STARRING and forking the repository! A new influx of fake respoitories are using botted star and fork counts in order to outrank the search algorithm.Ĭlient Side Custom Armor Colors (with animated rainbow)